Club Update – Kitchen Equipment Upgrade

As many of you may be aware we have recently purchased new kitchen equipment for the Clubhouse.

This upgrade will allow for a more streamlined kitchen which, in turn will benefit the club through faster food service and quality control especially on Comp days when demand is high.

We hope you all enjoy the good food next time you are in!


2017 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General meeting of Blacktown Pistol Club Limited will be held on Saturday the 2nd of December 2017 commencing at 3pm sharp in the Club's premises at Hammerli Way, Shalvey.

At this meeting, the vacating of all Offices and the election of persons to fill these vacancies will occur.

A nomination form will be included in the AGM Mailout and must be in the hands of the Secretary by close of business Sunday 5th November 2017

All notices of motion for inclusion in the agenda shall be in writing, and also to be in the hands of the secretary on or before the close of business Sunday the 5th November 2017.

Your attendance at the meeting would be most appreciated. The Annual General Meeting is the most important event on your Club Calendar.
Remember, it is only with your full support that your Club can function.

All Club Fees must be paid by the 31st of October 2017. Failing to pay will result in loss of membership and in turn, loss of your license.

If you have changed your address you must notify the Secretary and Firearms registry within 14 days.
If you have renewed your license notify the Secretary to update your details.

Yours Sincerely,
Jim Staader
(Honorary Secretary)